Idolchamp Guide

By Vote4kths


Daily task-
•Check Attendance [lvlBlue heart+10❤]
•Watch ads ×15 [20❤+10⭐]
•Post on community [20 💙]
•Cmnt on quiz/poll [20💙]
•30 likes on ur post [20💙]

-Do quizzes [@/onlyquizanswers]
-Do missions - Buy Ruby

When you make a new account, you will be required to ‘clear the chart’ for 5 days and won’t be able to solves quizzes or post on community. To clear the chart:
1.log in daily to get daily blue chamsims(blue hearts 💙)
2.Open charts and give blue hearts to BTS for 5 days
3. Open free charging and watch Ads to earn ruby chamsims ❤️